Friday, September 19, 2014

"Wolf on Wall Street" Movie Review

Well I rented "Wolf on Wall Street." I have heard all sorts of different opinions and I really like Leonardo DiCaprio over the last several years as he has put together impressive performances. I figure after my well received review on Guardians of the Galaxy, I would take a stab at this movie.

Wolf on Wall Street is a powerful movie that just fades more and more from what it first started out to be. The initial scene with office party/ crazy antics and shenanigans, soon takes a step back to build the story. The story while ambitious and intriguing at first quickly fades into a pointless story that drags on for far too long.

I watched the first hour, finding myself invested into Leo's character and Jonah Hill does a great job as well. Matthew McConaughey had me intrigued too but he's gone before you even realize he won't ever be on screen again. However as with every character the comedy style and an interesting story that pulls you in, quickly becomes an I don't care anymore. The movie is filled with so much sex, drugs and yelling it loses its identity of what genre it is.

At the two hour mark, I was hoping to find closure to this movie but unfortunately I had to tread through fifty two more minutes. It just kept getting more and more out of hand and even when the story caught back up to the original scene, it pressed on. Then to help push it, I guess the writer decided to just have everyone yell at each other, in hopes that someone could relate to his terrible life. In the end of it, I would have to give Wolf on Wall Street such a high score for the sheer idea of decent performances by most parties. This movie gets a D+.

"Noah" Movie Review

So after I finished watching Wolf on Wall Street last night, I put in Noah. Another movie with mixed opinions and a story that nearly everyone knows regardless of religion. This is my review.

So Noah is a major story of the Bible and one that every Christian knows and most people do as well. However I am reviewing this based off the idea of just being a movie; because while this story takes similarities from the Bible, it never lives up to all its truth that is preached. They take the story and keep some parts the same such as the names and basic concepts but they add a little Hollywood flair.

So with this Hollywood flair they try to make a reasonable movie, they add these rock creatures that were Angels that fell from heaven to help watch over us humans. However when they did they fell out of God's grace because we fell into sin. A lot of the ideas are convoluted and seem inconsistent making for a draining experience. The story runs slow to stretch the movie out reaching over 2 hours, when the story and movie probably would of worked better in 90 minutes.

So Noah goes and sees his grandfather Methuselah (Anthony Hopkins) and puts his dreams together as God instructing him to build an ark. An awesome 30 second scene takes place of trees growing out of nothing takes place; followed with a seizure camera shots for a creek running out across the world. The rapid shots are rough on the eyes and poorly demonstrates what it is trying to reveal. They again later use this similar story telling that again flashes several items in quick recession and looks cheaply done.

Once you do make it to the end, you really regret seeing it. It is shame too because those who were wanting to see the magnificent part of all these animals gathering to one ship gets overlooked. There is a bird scene, a snakes scene and a brief look at larger mammals and that is it. The leader (Ray Winstone) of the "wicked men" gets added screen time to try and continue more suspense but like all other suspense scenes it holds the suspense to long and just kills the result.

Overall save yourself two hours and just read the story, it is more interesting there. Performances are hit and miss as well as is the music to make deeper impressions for most scenes. This movie gets a C-.

"About Time" Movie Review

Well I felt it was about time I watched "About Time." A movie that a friend and my mother both have enjoyed and talked about with high aspirations. This is my review.

In a brief nutshell it is a movie that isn't one you should just see, it is a must see. From the writer of Love Actually brings another brilliant story and concept. From all views of the movie it seems to be just a love story and while that story is something that helps push it forward; I found the real story to be more about life in general. The strongest part and most empowering parts to me were his relationship with his father.

Without any spoilers just in case at this point, there is a gift the men in the family can do at age 21. This gift gives such a great concept on every aspect and every decision made in the movie. The bond and acting dynamics brought out by each actor/ actress is well executed. Every song that is played or piano note is put in at the right moment, so when you hit a slow scene or series of shots, you don't feel bored, you just go with the story.

Domhnall Gleeson who plays Tim does phenomenal from both acting and narrating perspectives. Rachel McAdams and Bill Nighy bring a lot to the screen as well and the parts they play in Tim's life throughout the movie are the focal points. When all was said and done, I cried for 4 minutes and smiled with better outlook of how to just live each day better. This is the movie I should of seen when it came out. This movie scores an A.

"Her" Movie Review

So with my one day off, I've spent my time trying to enjoy new movies that I haven't seen yet. After disappointments in both Wolf of Wall Street and Noah, I did find some good success in About Time. Now here is my review for "her."

I decided to pick up and watch "her" because it had won best original screenplay and with me wanting to be a writer, I figured it would be a good idea. To my surprise it was completely different than I thought it would be but it was a unique story that in some ways I think our future is headed towards. Joaquin Phoenix playing Theodore is a man recently out of split from his wife and finds a companionship with an OS operating system (voiced by Scarlett Johansson).

With all of our technology advancing and people interacting less it seems like a logical notion even if a bit odd. Joaquin does a great performance bringing a very well written script to life as he is really acting alone in most scenes. Scarlett acts more as voice in his head through a communicator via blue tooth. The pairing and conversations feel real and the reactions that Joaquin does to these interactions make them feel very genuine.

There is good layers to the story with dry humor and some very serious moments interjected into the plot. None of those moments feel out of place because frankly the whole idea feels out of place. I couldn't grasp or figure out how far in the future this takes place but I really hope those aren't the pants that we will wear. Amy Adams and Chris Pratt make appearances in and out of the movie; while they are good characters, there is so much focus on the lead character they don't overly shine.

They don't shine because Joaquin does all the shining. It reminded me much of the unique story of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; in both movies I could relate to several things in different ways. In the latter I was single and couldn't find love but in "her" with me being single again, I could relate to the character built in the story. I guess the only thing that left me empty overall was the kind of soft and lofty ending that doesn't resolve your hopes for Theodore. This movie scores an A-.