Friday, September 19, 2014

"Wolf on Wall Street" Movie Review

Well I rented "Wolf on Wall Street." I have heard all sorts of different opinions and I really like Leonardo DiCaprio over the last several years as he has put together impressive performances. I figure after my well received review on Guardians of the Galaxy, I would take a stab at this movie.

Wolf on Wall Street is a powerful movie that just fades more and more from what it first started out to be. The initial scene with office party/ crazy antics and shenanigans, soon takes a step back to build the story. The story while ambitious and intriguing at first quickly fades into a pointless story that drags on for far too long.

I watched the first hour, finding myself invested into Leo's character and Jonah Hill does a great job as well. Matthew McConaughey had me intrigued too but he's gone before you even realize he won't ever be on screen again. However as with every character the comedy style and an interesting story that pulls you in, quickly becomes an I don't care anymore. The movie is filled with so much sex, drugs and yelling it loses its identity of what genre it is.

At the two hour mark, I was hoping to find closure to this movie but unfortunately I had to tread through fifty two more minutes. It just kept getting more and more out of hand and even when the story caught back up to the original scene, it pressed on. Then to help push it, I guess the writer decided to just have everyone yell at each other, in hopes that someone could relate to his terrible life. In the end of it, I would have to give Wolf on Wall Street such a high score for the sheer idea of decent performances by most parties. This movie gets a D+.

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