Sunday, December 4, 2011

Lost At Sea (taken from old blog)

There once was a young man who woke up on a boat, out at sea. The man looked over the edges of his boat which was quite large and empty, and only all alround was water. Waves after waves beat along the side, the man scared of dying did all he could on his own to control the boat. With no one around to help, he seemed to struggle and was quite upset and distressed of his state. Several days had gone by of being beaten down by rain and waves, until finally the weather had cleared and he stumbled upon land.

The land that he came to was so unfamiliar to him, though the images of where he came from seemed as though they were from a far off sight, this new place still left him unsure and he was not at ease in the new surroundings. The style of people were different, the way they acted was unfamiliar and yet they all were kind and accepting of him. The man was still troubled about this new place as though someone of his past was watching him and would make feel worried of his new surroundings. Soon time passed and the man made many new friends and said to them take care, I must travel to new destination.

Fighting off the weather and waves were so much easier this time around, not only because he had faced it before but also because of the new confidence the last land he visited, gave him a boost. Over several next days, he did the same as before, managed wave after wave until he reached a new land. This land was also quite new to him, for it was all women working, there were a couple hierarches that were men but mostly all women worked for them. Unsure of this new place as well, he met a young woman that was fair and sweet, she to was once lost on the sea as she was escaping a crazy husband but now she and her four children had found peace.

Learing of this new culture the man became more confident and figured it was best to move on and see what else was beyond the sea. The man left the land and set for the sea, wave upon wave crashed and the weather was far worst than ever before but the man was determined to find new adventure on the sea. Although he had done all that he could, in the end it was just to much for the man and the boat flipped. The man sinking in the water started to drown, choking on water he became unconscious, starting to flail with all of his might, consciousness came back to him. But he was no longer lost at sea, he was in his old bed in the middle of no where and stuck inland because he never went on any new adventures to get lost on.

**I wrote this tying in my new joy of acting in rocky horror picture show and also tied in my job at the current time.  I like this piece in particular because it described me in my early twenties.  I always stayed home and never went out and at 25, I finally adventured out of the house, joined a cast and started doing something fun.  I wrote it to illustrate to people who are home-bodies and never leave the house, then you'll never find out about all the wonderful things that could be out there waiting for you.

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